
Eleni Petsa

Content Marketer
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Πιστεύω ότι οι καλές εταιρίες μοιράζονται ιστορίες με το κοινό, αλλά οι καλύτερες μοιράζονται συναισθήματα. Σκοπός μου λοιπόν είναι, μέσω των πρωτότυπων κειμένων μου για website ή blog να μοιράσω τα κατάλληλα συναισθήματα και να αναδείξω την αξία αυτών των εταιριών, στο κοινό – στόχο τους.

Our instructor's opinion

Helen is a hard-working, always-questioning-everything professional. We were getting 10-questions per second but all of them were to the point. Her engagement, engagement, and positiveness were phenomenal.

what Eleni said about the course

You helped me to broaden my professional horizons, to resolve questions about my business’s business model, and at the same time to implement automations more intensely in my work. Theodore, through real case studies, showed us in practice how to solve problems that may arise and how to overcome them, through smart solutions that I didn’t even know existed.

courses participated

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our alumni

Professionals of different backgrounds and industries all having a common characteristic. Their passion for growth.


You helped me to broaden my professional horizons, to resolve questions about my business's business model, and at the same time to implement automations more intensely in my work. Theodore, through real case studies, showed us in practice how to solve problems that may arise and how to overcome them, through smart solutions that I didn't even know existed.


Eleni Petsa

Growth Hacking Student

Content Marketer

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