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Growth Hacking University now available globally

A complete set of programs to become a breakthrough Growth Marketing Professional .

What is Growth Hacking, really?

Growth Hacking Marketing begun through tech companies like Facebook, Dropbox and Hotmail as a method and methodology to scale quickly using smart and cost-effective marketing tactics. It blends creativity, analytical thinking, engineering and data analysis to achieve any and all business and marketing goals.

Growth Hackers do not define themselves as marketers, engineers or developers. They have a lust for technology, data, quick and effective actions, meticulous accuracy of results, and perpetual optimization, leveraging them to create valuable solutions. They learn through experimenting with different processes, using new tools, and most importantly, through failing, testing again, and subsequently succeeding.

How to build a micro-monopoly. A course by GrowthRocks | Growth Hacking Marketing Agency

How to build a micro monopoly

In this course, you will learn about Building Interrelated Properties, the theory of Surround Sound Marketing and Karma Marketing. Also we will let you know how to leverage advanced SEO tehniques, Utilizing a ton of lead generation features like FAQs, glossaries, reviews, and more to dominate Google’s first page. Also how to creating Viral Content, monetization strategies and features will go viral.

email marketing - A course by Growth Hacking University and GrowthRocks

Email Marketing Course

This course offers a comprehensive overview of email marketing, starting with foundational principles and advancing through the creation of effective emails, managing subscriber preferences, and ensuring legal compliance. It covers crucial topics such as avoiding spam filters, understanding the legal aspects of email marketing, and measuring campaign success through email metrics. Additionally, the course introduces advanced concepts like growth hacking and marketing automation to help learners scale their efforts and enhance operational efficiency.

Social Media Marketing - A course by Growth Hacking University and GrowthRocks

Social Media Marketing Course

In this ~3h course, you will learn about Defining your audience persona, Setting goals, Monitoring and Researching, Selecting the Social media to use, Selecting what to post, Using Hashtags, creating a content calendar, Common challenges, Tips and tricks, and creating a winning profile on social media. The course is full of real-time examples from social media managers in the field.

Growth Hacking - A course by Growth Hacking University and GrowthRocks

Growth Hacking Course

101 serve as an introductory module, designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the topic at hand. This session will cover the essential concepts, terminologies, and principles required for more advanced lessons. It's structured to ensure a smooth learning curve, blending theoretical knowledge with practical exercises. By the end of Lesson 101, students will have gained a solid grasp of the basics, preparing them for deeper exploration in subsequent modules

Content Marketing - A course by Growth Hacking University and GrowthRocks

Content Marketing Course

This course aims to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills for successful content marketing. It covers how online content affects branding, audience reach, lead generation, and sales, highlighting content marketing as a key pillar of digital marketing.

A Performance Marketing course by Growth Hacking University and GrowthRocks

Performance Marketing / Advertising Course

This ~5h course is in-depth, full of examples and full of off-loaded experiences from Experienced Performance Marketers on performance marketing, focusing on online advertising through various channels. It includes all Basic (and advanced) Rules and Tactics of advertising (like targeting and copywriting) but also it addresses all Key Questions and theories (always on a practical level) setting Up an Advertising Strategy.

Search Engine Optimization - A course by Growth Hacking University and GrowthRocks

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Course

This ~10h course offers an in-depth overview of SEO, covering its fundamentals, keyword research, and the importance of Rich Snippets. It analyses the on-page, on-site, and off-site optimization strategies, emphasizing the role of SEO in enhancing website visibility and brand authority. The course also explores current trends in SEO, highlighting the significance of understanding audience behavior and diversifying search platforms.

Recent and Upcoming programs / courses

Courses that are scheduled, running or date of availability is anounced

AI For Journalists. A course by GrowthRocks | Growth Hacking Marketing Agency

AI for Journalists

A concise, 9-hour program designed to introduce Journalists, Researchers, Storytellers, and Media copywriters to the world of AI-driven journalism.
Starts: October 9, 2024
Duration: 3 X 3h = 9h Program
Language: Greek
Timezone: GMT+2 (7-10pm)

AI for Marketers

Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) and lead the way in the constantly evolving field of content marketing. From using AI for your daily tasks down to create your own GPT for your client’s needs
Starts: October 15, 2024
Duration: 5 X 3h = 15h Program
Language: Greek
Timezone: GMT+2 (7-10pm)
AI For Hospitality by Growth Hacking University and Growthrocks.

AI for Hospitality

The syllabus spans various aspects of AI applications in the hospitality industry, focusing on enhancing marketing strategies through technology. It covers essential topics such as using AI for reputation management on digital platforms, optimizing Airbnb and Google listings, creating engaging and personalized guest guides, and effective blogging practices.
Starts: November 21, 2024
Duration: 3 X 3h = 9h Program
Language: Greek
Timezone: open

AI for HR and L&D Executives

A concise, 6-hour program designed to introduce HR and L&D executives to the transformative potential of AI in talent management, employee development, and organizational learning
A collaboration with:
Starts: December 4, 2024
Duration: 2 X 3h = 6h Program
Language: English/Greek
Timezone: GMT+2 (5-7pm)

AI for HR and L&D Executives

A concise, 6-hour program designed to introduce HR and L&D executives to the transformative potential of AI in talent management, employee development, and organizational learning
Duration: 2 X 3h = 6h Program
Language: English
Timezone: open
AI For Journalists. A course by GrowthRocks | Growth Hacking Marketing Agency

AI for Journalists

A concise, 9-hour program designed to introduce Journalists, Researchers, Storytellers, and Media copywriters to the world of AI-driven journalism.
Duration: 3 X 3h = 9h Program
Language: English
Timezone: GMT+2 (7-10pm)

Build a micro-monopoly

Effectively leverage micro-monopoly strategies and stay ahead in this competitive landscape. Create a powerful ecosystem that drives growth and engagement.
Duration: 3 X 3h = 9h Program
Language: English
Timezone: open

Email Marketing

This course delves into the intricacies of email marketing, from crafting compelling emails to navigating the legal landscape. It emphasizes the importance of managing subscriber preferences respectfully and legally, and tackles the challenge of avoiding spam filters to ensure email deliverability. Furthermore, it provides insights into measuring campaign effectiveness and introduces advanced strategies for scaling marketing efforts and improving efficiency through automation.
Duration: 10 Weeks
Language: English
Timezone: open

Performance Marketing / Advertising

This course is focusing on online advertising through various channels. It includes all tactics of advertising (like targeting and copywriting) that although are similar across platforms, they can vary significantly. It also addresses all Key Questions and theories (always on a practical level) setting Up an Advertising Strategy.
Duration: 10 Weeks
Language: English
Timezone: open
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Alumni Does The Talking For Us

Graduates from different industries sharing their experience at #GHU. Are you next?


Angeliki Fotopoulou - Cuba Travel Vibe Virtuoso at Skydream Travel

I am still excited about what @Theo Moulos and @Effie C Bersoux taught us in the Course.

Theodore Labropoulos - Hotel Tech & Regenerative Economy Enthusiast

@Theo Moulos @Effie C Bersoux, you are amazing! The course was excellent and the examples enlightening!

Angela Tzifa -

Excellent course. It gives us the tools and the insight information for their use and exploitation with examples and applications. I am interested both from a personal and professional perspective in the developments in the field, and this specific course provides exactly the information I need at this time. I note as particularly positive that with the material given to us, we have the opportunity to explore later the applications and the possibilities they offer, and to choose those that are useful to us. I would be happy to attend the same course in a year from now to see the developments that you will have incorporated! 🙂

Sofia Evaggelidou - Content Marketer

@Theo Moulos @Effie C Bersoux, a very interesting course, where the knowledge offered is not limited to theory, but is examined in real-time in its application
Konstantinos Geronikolopopulos

Konstantinos Geronikolopopulos -

In this course, the knowledge of the tools is combined with the strategy needed to achieve the maximum result. As usual, great work from the team at the Growth Hacking University

Petros Katsiotis -

Some things possess immeasurable value such as the valuable knowledge provided by you, @Effie C Bersoux, and @Theo Moulos.

Olga Pitsari - Co Founder & Creative Content Director at BOLDOT

Thank you for all this concise and to-the-point knowledge! Okay, I burned some brain cells at the end, but I am eager to utilize all these tools for content production

Virginia Gkeventze - Digital Marketing Manager @LoopMedia

Thank you for the comprehensive and very well-structured seminar, but also for the time you dedicated to us for questions

Antonis Pappas - Founder & CEO, Imagination Travel

The Content Marketing for AI course, opened-up a ton of new horizons

Minas Kourtis - Marketing Manager

Great work from the team at Growth Hacking University. Concise and to-the-point knowledge

Saeed al-sharbati - Founder & Growth Marketing Manager

Theodore Moulos it was a great honor being your student. Thank you for all the support and knowledge

Sofia Argyriadou - Web Developer & Marketing Specialist

The most directly applicable thing I have attended in AI webinars - workshops. And I have attended quite a few... well done to your amazing team.

Stavros Zakkas - Digital Marketing Consultant

GHU was an inspiration and guidance in the growth hacking realm. Theodoros’ contribution to untangling the fuzzy technical marketing aspect and today's marketing stack has been instrumental for me. His teaching and interest in passing hands-on knowledge and experience were exemplary, stellar, and far above my highest expectations. Undoubtedly, he is a true Growth Marketing Guru and professional development booster! I’m thankful for the mind-blowing experience and all the priceless marketing sources and assets that he shared.

Georgia Kokkinou - Co-Founder & Digital Content Creator at Red Owl

If you are looking to discover the basics of SEO and beyond, this course provides you with a great opportunity. Comprehensive, full of real-life case studies and highly engaging. Thank you, Theo, for all the practical tips you shared with us

vicky ghionis - Co-Founder & Digital Content Creator at Red Owl

The course was a real eye opener into the world of SEO. It gave me valuable insights into how on- and off-page SEO works and what to look out for when creating SEO-friendly content. The instructors are very knowledgeable and they are keen to share this knowledge and help you grow as a professional.

Alexandros Sklepas - Full Stack Developer / SEO Expert

Courses Cover a wide area of topics and are a great kickstart for both experienced people and newcomers in the fields

Dimitra Balafoutis - Marketing Manager

A great learning experience… The instructors are very knowledgeable and they present the content in an engaging way. I highly recommend this course.

Dimitris Chatzigiannopoulos - Senior Marketer

Working in the Marketing and Sales fields in the digital age, makes staying up to date with the most recent developments and tools, necessary for achieving success in my professional pursuits. The course gave me the unique opportunity to have an inside look on the best practices used by the top professionals in the industry. The structure of the course perfectly balances the theoretical with the practical aspects of the subject and the instructors were always more than willing to answer questions, provide information and inside tips on how to be on top of the Digital Marketing game.

Konstantinos Pavlidis - Web Designer & Developer

It was one of the most important lessons I have ever attended. It would be very useful for any marketer / designer / developer who wants to go one step further.

Venia Spentza - Digital Marketing Manager

At last a marketing course that doesn’t cover only the theoretical parts. Instructors with solid experience in SEO and extreme patience for all of our questions, engaging courses, and examples of real-time cases! If you want to “see” SEO from a more professional side this is your course.

Eleni Petsa - Content Marketer

You helped me to broaden my professional horizons, to resolve questions about my business's business model, and at the same time to implement automations more intensely in my work. Theodore, through real case studies, showed us in practice how to solve problems that may arise and how to overcome them, through smart solutions that I didn't even know existed.

Olga Patsi - Marketing and Sales Country Director

I feel very lucky to study in Growth Hacking University with Theodoros Moulos. It was an amazing experience!

Yiannis Papageorgiou - Entrepreneur

Το μάθημα καλύπτει από τις βασικές αρχές του μάρκετινγκ έως το απαραίτητο θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο για τη χάραξη στρατηγικής. Το μεγάλο συν είναι, η τεχνική εκπαίδευση στα βασικά εργαλεία, πάνω σε πραγματικό case, και τα πολλά business insights που μοιράζετε ο Θοδωρής στην τάξη.

Theoni Dimitrakopoulou - Economist with Master degree in Digital Marketing

An amazing experience with great feedback! Theo is the perfect public speaker! :tada:

Eftychia Daskalopoulou - Digital Marketing Manager

Νιώθω πολύ τυχερή που κατάφερα και παρακολούθησα αυτό το Academy. O Θοδωρής Μουλός μας κινητοποίησε & μας ενέπνευσε να δούμε τη «δουλειά» αυτή από άλλη οπτική γωνία και τα κατάφερε. Σε ευχαριστούμε πολύ για όλα!

Marina Koutsoumpa - Journalist

Apart from Apple, Theo makes you think different! I just didn't know the things I need to know... until now. Many thanks for the amazing journey.

Konstantinos Choutos - Digital Marketing Strategy

Growth Hacking Academy's course is an absolutely mind-blowing experience, highlighting the strong connection between marketing and technology nowadays & getting across countless growth marketing strategies.

Charoula lada - Marketing Manager

I feel excited of attending GROWTH HACKING ACADEMY course. The evolution of marketing. Every session was an apocalypse for the new era of growth automated digital sales and even more. Innovative, Strategic, Inspiring, Creative, Genius. It was the ideal course to diversify me against all common digital paid tactics with budget constraints. Thodoris Moulos, thank you of sharing generously your knowledge with me

Argyris Skouloudis - Founder & CEO at Alumni Reach

This course is an excellent opportunity to learn all about growth marketing and the hacks you can employ. Ideal for startup founders who are about to embark on their journey. Theo is doing a great job and can help you see the whole picture of growing your business.

Katerina Braliou - Marketing Professional | Digital Marketing specialist

Theodoros Moulos, you are the perfect teacher. Thanks for all the inspiration and knowledge shared with us

Danai Koukou - Head of Growth & Co-founder

Theodoros thank you for the fantastic journey filled with knowledge and super tips!

Your lead Instructors

With decades of experience in Digital and Growth Hacking Marketing, your instructors will introduce you to Growth Hacking University and share with you their secrets, techniques, and most effective growth tips.

Theo Moulos

4x Exited Entrepreneur
CEO at GrowthRocks

Effie Bersoux

Sustainable Marketing Certified
CEO at GrowthGirls

Trained and loved by

Digital Agencies | Marketers | Technicians | Developers | Freelancers

Should you attend?

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Ήξερες ότι μπορείς να έχεις κάποιον να σου θυμίζει ότι ειπώθηκε στο προηγούμενο meeting 1 ώρα πριν αρχίσει το zoom call?

#aicourse #greekmarketers
Today’s session explores the application of artificial intelligence tools within the Hospitality Industry.

@effiecbersoux @tmoulos 

@digitalmarketing_hau @hellenic_american_union 

#ai #course #hospitalityindustry
After months of preparation, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Growth Hacking Accelerator in Africa, exclusively designed for pan-Zaharan startups and entrepreneurs.
#GrowthHacking #AfricanStartups #entrepreneurship
Such a wonderful cohort. Thanks @zambiainstituteofmarketingzim for hosting our digital diploma #daretogrow #growthmarketing
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