Elevate your company’s potential with our dynamic Growth Hackathons.


Future Proof Your Skills

Gain access to the most in-demand career fields.

Battle-tested Educators

Get trained by professionals with a proven track record. Our motto is: “Those who can, do it. And then they teach it”

Educational Workshops

Design a weekend workshop spanning 2-3 days focused on learning current trends within a customized creative process.

Growth Hackathons Masters

Growth Hacking University offers a complete set of educational workshops (2-3 days long during weekends) to empower your team and innovate.

Our growth hackathons are short, intensive sessions where self-selecting teams are given a problem area, data, and tools to solve chosen challenges. Solving real problems is the focus of these hackathons.
The trainers are experienced in running workshops and hackathons for companies around the world, and they are also guest lecturers in executive MBA courses, including NYU.

The program is highly modifiable, and the content and duration can be adjusted to cater to your team’s specific needs. One of the greatest qualities of this program is its flexibility. Growth Hacking University is a great choice for companies looking to expand their team’s growth marketing skills.

Your lead Instructors

With decades of experience in Digital and Growth Hacking Marketing, your instructors will introduce you to AI for hospitality and share with you their secrets, techniques, and most effective growth tips.

Theo Moulos

CEO at GrowthRocks

4x exited serial entrepreneur and growth hacker. Working In marketing for 20+ years comes with a series of examples on what to do in many niches and industries

Effie Bersoux

CEO at GrowthGirls

Her in depth-experience as a growth marketer includes consulting as well as building and motivating high-performance marketing teams.

Trained and loved by

Digital Agencies | Marketers | Technicians | Developers | Freelancers

Should you attend?

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in one of our programs?

A true marketeer knows
where and to who to give their e-mail to.

Articles Worth Having A Read

Talk like them

Talk like them

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Exclude These Words From ChatGPT

Exclude These Words From ChatGPT

What are the most overused words to exclude…
A book I suggest. AI-based automations in manufacturing have a lot in common with marketing automations. They both have purpose, stages and they need to be intelligent. This book inspired me to start writing about a topic I keep spending 16h per day with. Stay tuned... #daretogrow #growthmarketing #ilovemyjob
We always choose the fast track by making 20% of the effort for 80% of the impact. We work smarter, not harder. #growthhunting #daretogrow #growthhacking #digitalmarketing
Change is inevitable. We are always eager to learn new things, make mistakes and experiment, it is all part of the growth curve #daretogrow #growthhinting #growthhacking #growthprinciples
Unlimited hours of experiments, unlimited small daily decisions, unlimited hours reading and understanding other’s businesses… all these and many more led us to write the principles of growth hunters. You can be a digital marketer, a growth hacker or a Sales Development Representative. It doesn’t matter. If you practice those 20 principles then you are a growth hunter.  Find them here or ask us for the booklet. #daretogrow #growthhunters
So calm that you can listen to your thoughts #thoughts #newideas #modelingyourgrowth
This is what we stand for. A new series of courses are about to start … stay tuned! #daretogrow #growthmarketing #teaching
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