
vicky ghionis

Co-Founder & Digital Content Creator at Red Owl
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I am an English<>Greek Financial & Medical Translator and a Digital Copywriter.
I have been working as a freelance professional since 2000 and I am well-established in the Greek translation community.
Around 2012, I started dabbling with digital copywriting and have since worked on various small and large projects, including the Piraeus Bank and Eurobank websites.
Having conquered the world of translation and web writing, I am now a seasoned content strategist, undertaking smaller and larger projects in Greece and abroad.

Our instructor's opinion

A solid content marketer and entrepreneur running a very successful content marketing agency. For Vicky, it is clear that when content is the queen, SEO is the kingdom :-) and therefore combining the two is the best she can do.

what vicky said about the course

The course was a real eye opener into the world of SEO. It gave me valuable insights into how on- and off-page SEO works and what to look out for when creating SEO-friendly content. The instructors are very knowledgeable and they are keen to share this knowledge and help you grow as a professional.

courses participated

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our alumni

Professionals of different backgrounds and industries all having a common characteristic. Their passion for growth.


The course was a real eye opener into the world of SEO. It gave me valuable insights into how on- and off-page SEO works and what to look out for when creating SEO-friendly content. The instructors are very knowledgeable and they are keen to share this knowledge and help you grow as a professional.


vicky ghionis

Growth Hacking Student

Co-Founder & Digital Content Creator at Red Owl

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